Free 3 day training event on open standards applicable to the geoscience community
Session Chair: prof Zhang Minghua. zminghua@mail.cgs.gov.cn
Registration: https://www.wjx.top/vm/wFHGCwg.aspx
Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/83452380461?pwd=U0plLytDRUZoWno2MEIyZWhBeEc1Zz09 Meeting ID : 834 5238 0461 Meeting Code: ddestg Date: 8:00am 26th- 13:00pm 28th Oct. UTC time
25th Oct.
Registration Online and Zoom meeting system dry-run test.
Day 1, 26th Oct.
08:00-08:40: Opening Ceremony: Addresses from DDE GC by prof Jennifer McKinley. Addresses from DDE-STG and CGI by prof Harvey Thorleifson. Addresses from CODATA by Dr Alena Rybkina.
08:30-08:40: Group photo and break
08:40-9:00: Introduction to CGI and its main partners on geoscience standards by Harvey Thorleifson
9:00-10:00: Introduction to CGI and OGC standards by Francois ROBIDA and Mickael Beaufils
10:00-10:15: Break
10:15-11:00: Geoscience terminology by Mark Rattenbury
11:00-11:15: Break
11:15-11:50: Geoscience terminology (continued) by Mark Rattenbury
11:50-12:00: Break
12:00-12:45: Geoscience ontology by Boyan Brodaric and Steve Richard
Day 2, 27th Oct.
8:00-8:45: GeoSciML: Geology data model and exchange standard by Oliver Raymond
8:45-9:00: Break
9:00-9:45: GeoSciML(continued)
9:45-10:00: Break
10:00-10:45: EarthResourceML: Mineral resource and mining data model and exchange standard by Michael Sexton
10:45-11:00: Break
11:00-11:45: EarthResourceML (continued)
11:45-12:00: Break
12:00-12:45: DDE metadata standard draft by Zhang Minghua, Liu Rongmei and Wang Yongzhi
Day 3, 28th Oct.
08:00-08:45: Metadata standard and practice by James Passmore and Tim Duffy
08:45-09:00: Break
09:00-09:45: OneGeology data and standard technology by Edward Lewis and James Passmore
09:45-10:00: Break
10:00-10:45: OneGeology(continue)
10:45-11:00: Break
11:00-11:40: CODATA FAIR data principles and GOFAIR practice by Alena Rybkina
11:40-12:20: A vision on DDE data science with FAIR data by Ma Xiaogang
12:20-12:30: Break
12:30-13:00: Closing ceremony: Certifications to participants registered and lecturers of the training. Closing speech/remarks form DDE-STG by prof Harvey Thorleifson and DDE-EC by prof Natarajan Ishwaran.