DDE Standards Task Group
A collaborative task group implementing geoscience information standards for IUGS’s flagship Deep-time Digital Earth Project - https://www.iugs.org/dde

Dr Zhang Minghua
Director of Geoinformation and Engineering, Development Research Center, China Geological Survey

Newsletter Issue 10
Welcome to Edition #10 of the CGI Newsletter. In this edition we report on the progress of the CGI Working Groups and the recent meetings of CGI members.

Newsletter Issue 9
Welcome to Edition #9 of the CGI Newsletter. In this edition we report on the progress of the CGI Working Groups and the recent meetings of CGI members.

Geoscience Standards Training for DDE
Free 3 day training event on open standards applicable to the geoscience community
DDE Geoscience Information Metadata Standard
This standard defines the information content and XML serialization for metadata descriptions of geoscience information resources supporting the DDE program. It provides information about the identification, quality,contents, spatial reference, lineage, and distribution of the data. This standard applies to the description ofgeoscience data resources including a variety of geoscientific disciplinary spatial and non-spatial data, toensure they are Findable, Accessible and with sufficient documentation to make them Reusable. The scope of DDE Geosciences Information metadata is defined to include the resource types listed in the resourceType codelist. See the ResourceTypeCode «CodeList» in Annex A. Conformance with this standard will ensurethat DDE metadata are i nteroperable, facilitating metadata searching, h arvesting and sharing.